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Meet The Team

The People Behind the Svbaltern Magazine

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Rahma Naveed

Chief Editor and Photographer

Rahma is  studying in the Faculty of Arts and tackling controversial topics head on and braving the judgemental stares of brown aunties. If you want to get into her circle of friends, you have to be woke and have strong opinions about why "vanilla" isn't really an ice cream flavour. 

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Nour Youssef


Nour is an open environmentalist and student in Cognitive Sciences. She is a staunch vegan and vocal feminist who is actively converting her ummah to halal veganism (get on it everyone!!).

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Rehmatullah Sheikh

Digital Media Expert

Rehmatullah is what you would get if you mixed British wit and Desi charm, and is a graduate student in UBC's journalism program. He's known for his intellectual clapbacks and dreams to work for Al Jazeera one day.

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Ayse Kabaca

Graphic Designer

Ayse is a quiet philosopher, architect of social movements, and is a student in the Arts faculty. She enjoys watching worms and crows in their natural habitats.

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Usama Abbasi


Usama is a teddy bear, big brother and PhD student in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. When he's not playing basketball, or travelling the world for research, he's hugging and nurturing the ummah.

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