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Hussain Khan (Human Geography, 5th year)

Q: What is it like being a Muslim on campus? "It's the same as being Muslim anywhere else. I say there is only one God - Allah - and Muhammad (PBUH) is the messenger of God, and then I try to live with that reality. So in terms of those unique struggles I think that peer pressure is a big one for us Muslims living in North America. I think Vancouver is a very flashy place with a lot of materialism, consumerism, depression and isolation and the key struggle for me is trying to carve an authentic sense of identity and an authentic sense of community." Q: If you could describe yourself in one word, quote, or title, what would it be? " 'Hope Springs Eternal' - by Alexander Pope. That is one of the most serious convictions I have. Being an optimist and seeing beauty and hope in life regenerates spirit and it is always worth doing. People our age keep saying how it is more logical to be a pessimist because if something good happens you're pleasantly surprised, and if something bad happens you're not surprised. I think when I become pessimistic I start reading bad things into every joy of my life, which I think corrupts the spirit, whereas when I am an optimistic person I have more trust in God." Q: Is there a silly habit you have that people don't know about? "I really like disco music, I will dance to it by myself. I don't think any of my friends know this about me."

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