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Di Hai - 1st Year Business

Q: You're deeply influenced by poetry. Tell us about the moment you first discovered your love for prose and poetry.

A: Speaking from a very unscientific point of view, I think poetry runs in my blood. However, it’s definitely more about the way I was brought up than what I inherited; all I inherited was an eye for finding beauty. The moment I get inspired to write is when I meet beautiful minds; The answer is people. I’m very sensitive to people’s auras and the air around them. It’s like some people just have that unique spark to them! And that just makes me so curious! Curious like a cat! And I just start talking to them and listening to their minds and sensing their soul, it’s the most beautiful thing! It’s quite rare to come across a person like that, and when I do, I become extremely annoying! I just have so much to say and so much to hear! However, I do have some sense of self awareness, so I stop myself when I feel like I become too unbearable

Q: You recently commented on a Svbaltern confession post that social media can be deceptive. So how do you navigate your profile on social media with your real self?

A:I don’t think people intentionally try to be deceptive; it’s just that what usually inspires people to share with others are nice and inspirational things, or cute cat videos. I don’t think my struggle with Calculus or my occasional stubbornness can inspire anyone so I just don’t share much about them on public platforms. Therefore, complete strangers will not see much of the weaknesses. So, if you live on another continent or is super far far away, please do not think the online me is the complete me. It is real! But not complete. And I believe you cannot really fall in love with a person if you haven’t sensed their aura in real life.

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