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Hafsa Zahid - Physics and Computer Science, 4th Year

Q: Is there something different you're doing after the summer months? A: Oooh, i'm getting bad grades that's new! It's just been all over the place but it's been good because I can step back now. I guess just being able to tell myself it's okay and actually believe it. Before, I'd freak out and stay freaked out for a long time. Every little thing had to be exactly the way I planned it. I was just really not happy. I'm still kind of like that but it's not as bad. Q: How has your company around you influenced how much you've grown as a person? A: A lot. I think basically surrounding myself with people that I admire, people who are open, confident and trustworthy, really helped. I feel like humans in general are like sponges. We gather qualities from each other. So throwing myself into a more social sphere definitely helped. Also, surrounding myself with people who love and accept my klutzy, awkward self has helped me grow to start loving my klutzy, awkward self. I've started to think okay, I'm a weirdo but that's who I am. Now what? That really takes the pressure off of trying to be someone I'm not. I look back a year and I can actually pinpoint when I started to get more social. The amount of growth I can see, in terms of personality and confidence, has been so much. Q: You go out of your way to comment on confessions on the Svbaltern Page, to give very sound advice. Why do you do it? A: I don't know there's real people behind those confessions and I feel like a lot of them aren't taken seriously. Some of them really hit close to home. Some of them really seem genuine and I think what if this person is actually looking for something? I just hope that the person behind it reads it and gets something out of it. I do want them to know that whatever they are thinking is valid and I do care enough to write on it. Q: Is there something that you really hate about the Svbaltern? A: This interview.

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