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Samia El Joueidi (Masters in Public Health, 1st year)

Q: How is it like being a Hijabi on campus? "It is actually nice. I was just saying that earlier but maybe because I am from Lebanon, I'm an international student and new here, and I think given the context and the part of the world that I came from, I can say that I am way more comfortable being a Muslim and a hijabi here on campus. Because here, people really don't care much about where you are from and how you dress. I have my own community and I feel like that's all that matters regardless of where you are from. If you have people around you, then you are just good to go." Q: Tell me, what value do you think that Muslims could add to the UBC campus? "I think that what we could be is simply a representation of how a good human being should be. If each one of just acts... whatever we do during our day, whether we are in class taking notes or taking an exam; if we just offer help when needed... be a just human being... It would be enough. I think that we need to raise awareness on how to be proper Muslims in terms of our actions. Secondly, one would be showing how Islam is a way of life that people can connect to whether it's art, poetry, or science." Q: So are you trying to say... not to try too hard? "Live for the Hereafter through your life and don't just separate the two." Q: Do you have a silly habit or something interesting about yourself? Something you do or want to do? "I have a studio right now but hopefully me and my friend want to have an apartment and have this living room that is open to anyone... just to come in and hang out. Any girl who wants a break, who wants to come and study, or read a book, or sleep, or cook, or eat, or whatever it is, they can come to this place." Q: Kind of like a Muslim sorority then? "Yes!"

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