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Muhammed Oyinlola (Oceanography, PhD Candidate)

Q: What is it like to be a Muslim on campus for you? "So to me, I really enjoy that I am a Muslim and I enjoy the fact that I can have my time managed based on the 5 prayers of the day. Whenever there is Dhuhr I know that I must accomplish a certain task before Dhuhr. I must accomplish before Asr and another task before Maghrib. So my time, my work schedule is already fixed within the Salah." Q: Is it something easy to do? To be on campus and to be able to pray 5 times? "There is a large community; people are always there to help you out, if you have any questions, if you have any troubles. There is a large community within the UBC. " Q: What can the Muslim students bring to campus or what could be their contribution to campus? "Just show that we are Muslims, we are peace loving people. Spread the salaam, spread the joy, the love and the smile. There are so many different possibilities. People need to know within themselves, this is how Islam is. " Q: So it is character first? "Yeah, good character first." Q: If you could define yourself in one word, what would it be? "Muhammed. That’s all." Q: Do you have a silly habit or something that you would consider a habit that you really like doing? "I like to stay in the front of the waterfall on the Main Street on the University Boulevard. I just like to stay there when I am stressed out, I spend a little bit… few minutes and then I am like: okay, I think I am alright, let’s just go back."

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