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Hudhaifah Zahid (Cognitive Sciences, 4th Year)

Q: Do you consider yourself a Bitcoin expert among Muslims? "Well, I’ve been following Bitcoin since the financial crisis of 2008, so I guess I could be considered an expert. I’ve been putting aside a lot of time for Bitcoin, to the detriment of my marks! I am currently studying Cognitive Systems. I’m really interested in Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks as fields we can draw from in helping shape a more sustainable economic system." Q: How did you get into Bitcoin? "I was studying Economics in high school, but I always felt that something wasn’t right with some of the widely accepted principles especially after the financial crisis of 2008. I was in Malaysia at the time which wasn’t heavily affected, thankfully. I was searching the web for answers to some economic questions I had, and was introduced to libertarian economics and from there I found Bitcoin! I didn't have money at the time, but I studied it and was fascinated by what Bitcoin had to offer, and the potential for it to create strong networks modelled on neuroscience principles."

Q: Do you think Islam and Bitcoin can really meld with each other? "Exactly, they can and they should and I strongly believe that Muslims should be the first ones to adopt Bitcoin, because it’s the most halal money you can get. There is no debt associated with it, no interest on it. It’s so pure, it makes me mad that there are scholars that say that it is haram, when financial experts are not even ready to comment on it, because it is so new. That is one thing that disappoints me about my Muslim community. But I think most people here at UBC, are open to it and are accepting Bitcoin, my immediate friends all have Bitcoin." Q: What’s something most people don’t know about you? "I love Runescape. I’ve played that game for 6+ years now. It taught me a lot about people, teamwork community and economics. Runescape is where it’s at." Q: If you could define yourself in one word, what would it be? "Hudhaifah!"

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