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Jordy Zacharia Buckles (UBC Staff)

Q: Tell us about yourself. "My story starts with my grandfather, a British merchant who did business in East Africa and the Arabian Gulf. My grandfather had a keen interest in Arabic and Arabic culture and would tell me stories of his travels during my childhood. At seven years old he bought me a calligraphy set and I was hooked. Currently, I work at UBC." Q: What artwork do you partake in, and what influences your artwork? "My artwork is abstract expressionism, and my medium is metal and forged steel. Abstract expressionism touches on metaphysical ideas and requires a lot of introspection and reflection, something I feel Islam helps me a lot with. There are a lot of parallels one can draw between working with metals and purification of the heart. I like motion, I am a bit of a restless person, and I appreciate complex intricate geometry that captures emotionally energetic patterns. This is where my fascination with Islamic geometric art comes from. " Q: Tell me something interesting about you. "I have a tablespoon of bee pollen everyday. It’s really healthy! Please check out and support my artwork!!" Facebook: here: Instagram: @jordybuckles

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