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Sarah Abdelazim (Biology, 4th year)

Q: What are some of the difficulties you've faced as a Muslim in the workplace? "One time, I was at my very first work Christmas party that I ever attended. It’s also the first party I attended that served alcohol. And I just thought that the people I interact with are like me and for a second I forgot that they are not Muslim and don't have the same values and morals like me. One of my friends was drinking something and she offered me a drink which looked like a 7-Up, because the bar also has non-alcoholic drinks and I thought that's what she was drinking too. So then, she offered me a sip and I took it. Before I gulped it, it had a very acidic taste to it and it really hurt my tongue and I though oh my God… this is not 7-Up! I freaked out so much and I was like hyperventilating. Everyone around me was so nervous and panicking like what's wrong with you? I was like never mind and I just ran to the washroom and I took water, trying to vomit everything I had in my mouth. I was so guilty that I called my mom and she was like you couldn't have known it was alcohol. I needed to get that off of my chest!" Q: How would you describe yourself? "One thing people don't know about me is that I might look very serious but in reality I'm a joker. I like to joke a lot - I'm never serious! I'm also very flexible, I'd say. In all aspects of life."

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