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Tariq Abulaban (Computer Engineering, 3rd Year)

Q:Tell us about your roots. "My roots are from Bethlehem, Palestine from my Mom’s side and Az-Zakaryya, Palestine from my Dad’s side. My parents had a very unstable childhood in Palestine due to the ongoing violent political atmosphere, and they’ve worked hard to make it here in Canada. My dad grew up in a refugee camp, and my paternal aunt still lives in this camp." Q: Where do you draw your inspiration from? "I was raised to have a very positive outlook in life and to really appreciate what I’ve got and make the best of it. My mother’s played a big role in helping me see how fortunate I am, and so whenever I see someone who needs help, I feel I have to step in. My father is also an extremely hard working guy who inspires me to work hard and remain disciplined. I want to ensure my family and community is financially secure in the future. This is what is getting me through school right now. " Q: If you could describe yourself to the world how would you? "I’m generally a quiet guy, but I am actually pretty social and am super comfortable in any social group. I think this comes from a sense of shared belonging with everyone and that I care about people." Q: Your last name is pretty interesting, where is its origin? "My name Abulaban goes back to a story in ancient times about an old man who lived in a city that was suffering from a drought. So the old man approached an olive tree and proceeded to pray on it, and when he squeezed the olives, milk started to pour out thus, saving the city."

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