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Uthman Said - 1st year BA

How's this year been like for you at UBC?

"It's been a roller coaster in my opinion. I went from not knowing very many people to knowing a lot, and very fast. It was almost a bit too much to handle. But I'm really glad I did as there were many lessons learnt."

What's a lesson you'd like to share with your community?

"I'd have to say rejection. Rejection has been by far the biggest fear I've had to deal with. Especially since I felt that my accomplishments defined me more than anything else. Rejection of my ideas and rejection in the outcomes of things I pursued. I recently had to come to terms with tough rejection from someone I admired. But from that experience, I can say now with confidence that as painful and maddening rejection can be, it is a necessary step on the path to adulthood and becoming who you are meant to be.

Did you hear about the incident in Toronto where a guy ran over some people?

"Yes, its big issue, this anger towards the opposite gender, is really anger towards rejection. It can be very toxic if not handled well. The worst part is when the anger turns into a movement like incel or towards behavior that emotionally or sexually targets innocent individuals. It's really a disease of the heart. Something has to be done."

Tell us something Allah did for you this year?

"So much, but more than anything he didn't leave me alone to deal with my problems. He surrounded me with friends who were there for me, and a supportive group that were patient with my shortcomings"

Any plans for the future?

"I think focusing on school and studies pretty much for now."

Tell us something about yourself

"...and that kids is how I ALMOST met your moth--- Over and out"

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