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Fatima Zahra - 2nd year, Arts

Q: You seem to be very attached to Pakistan. Is there a particular story you hold dear? "It's not like this is on the top of my head, that I would say it so suddenly but I was just telling my friend this yesterday. You know how in Pakistan, before Bakra Eid (Eid Al Adha), they've got the goats and the cows right outside the house? So, when I was five, we were going to slaughter a cow and long story short, it started running after me and I had to run into somebody's house. The guy had to catch it and tame it because for some reason it was really after me. For this reason, I feel like I should have PTSD against cows but I don't. I still eat them." Q: What did you do to anger the cow? "Oh my gosh okay so you know how you have to walk it right? I wanted to do that but i was kinda scared because I was so tiny. I asked my dad;s cousin to stand behind me to protect me in case something goes wrong. I grabbed the leash and started walking it, thing I' doing so well but I turned around and he wasn't there anymore.I turned back around and I was looking directly into the eyes of the cow. I started screaming and so I think it got startled. " Q: What is one thing that nobody knows about you? "Oh okay, so I don't know if only I cant do this but I have a little gap between my teeth and sometimes I like to fill my mouth with water and squirt it out. Or sometimes I like to bark at my friends which is kinda funny."

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